Who You Are | Teen Ink

Who You Are

May 16, 2014
By Anonymous

anxiety. depression. bipolar. ADHD. OCD. nerd. ugly. stupid.
who are you? No, wait I mean.. What are you? what you are seems to matter more to people than who you are. Not many people know who they are, because they are constantly being told "what" they are. Have you ever had to give a presentation in front of you're entire class and forgot a word or many and freaked out? well now you have anxiety. Just because you freaked out over one little thing in front of a lot of people. Have you ever had a rough night and the morning before you cry in public and people see you? yeah, you am have depression now. have you ever been in a good mood and gotten a text from someone that used to mean a or to you and doesn't now or maybe it was your mom saying you had to cancel your plans and it put you in a bad mood? yeah, well now you're bipolar. have you bet had one too many pieces of chocolate or drank an extra cup if coffee and you were fidgety or hyper. well now you have ADHD or are on crack or something. Have you ever re organized your locker during classes? well people saw you and now you have OCD. have you ever gotten a really good grade on something you tried really hard on? yeah well now you're a nerd. Have you ever gotten a pimple or went without makeup into public? Yeah, well now your ugly. have you ever gotten a bad grade? Yeah, well now you're stupid. I don't know about you, but I like the truth a ten times more than I like a lie. And the truth is.. You are NONE of those things. You are amazing. so amazing. you're funny, even if some people don't get your jokes. You're smart, even if you have a bad grade, or many. you are beautiful.. so so beautiful. despite whether or not you wear makeup into public. whether or not you have a little pimple, or many. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. your smile, it's captivating. absolutely breath taking. From perfect straight teeth to the adorable little gaps in between. ALL are beautiful. You're eyes... capture everything. even if you can't see. you still picture things the way you want to and that's beautiful and so perfect. I love you. everyone around you loves you. just because you make good grades and are smart does not mean you're a nerd. it means you care about your future and you're amazing. you're going somewhere in life. just because you don't like things dirty or unorganized does not mean you have OCD. and if you are then i love it. you strive for perfection in the littlest things. you're amazing and very smart. if you cry in public because you are sad. be sad. you deserve to let your emotions out. Who cares what people think? I don't blame you for it. I've done it a million times. and everything will be okay.. you're perfect. If you ever forget a word in a presentation.. then apologize and take a few breaths. freaking out is okay too though. it just shows how much you care about it and you are every dedicated and well planned. you're amazing. What I'm trying to say is "What you are" is NOT "Who you are". follow your dreams. love yourself. I know the world seems cruel in so many ways to you right now. But, hold on. Please. Soon. Very soon. You'll conquer it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for my best friend..

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