Should people commit suicide? | Teen Ink

Should people commit suicide?

May 26, 2014
By Crystal.4.Life BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Crystal.4.Life BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Should people commit suicide? X-X

There is many reasons why people should not commit suicide. My answer is no, here are some reasons why.
My first reason why people shouldn’t commit suicide is because the body that we are in, is borrow. God made us, made us this body that we are in. There is no reason why you should cut, or even try to kill yourself. Your just treating God gift like trash, you are just throwing his gift that he gave you.
My second reason why people shouldn’t commit suicide is because there’s more future. In addition there is more experience in your life. Don’t end it because you never know what will happen in your life, and future.
My last reason why people shouldn’t commit suicide is because is not your decision to end it. You don’t end your life, just because people be hating on you, and telling you to kill yourself. NO they do that for many reasons. I think they do that because they felt like that before.
I believe that there is so many reasons why you shouldn’t commit suicide. But if you are a person that want to commit suicide, please DON’T there is more in the future.



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