Narcissim to a Whole New Level | Teen Ink

Narcissim to a Whole New Level

May 27, 2014
By miiiiikkkkkiiiii BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
miiiiikkkkkiiiii BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothings ever going to get better. Its just not.

Narcissism to a Whole New Level

Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Tumblr the list goes on and on. But what do all of these things have in common? All of these things promote the idea of narcissism. People constantly posting selfie on all of these apps and websites.

Our society has evolved from a world where it is only men competing, to everyone constantly trying to outdoing each other. Now it’s every man, women and teenager for their self. No matter what background, religion or body type, you are never good enough or as good as the other person. Girls’ self-esteem has hit a record low. Whenever you see someone that is prettier than you, you can almost hate yourself for not looking like that, or not having that gorgeous hair. Unless of course, you are a narcissist, “bragging and exaggerating their achievements.” I mean, a lot of people feel better about themselves when they know that they look good. I am sure you have all felt it the same way. When you buy new clothes, you want to show them off, but not only do narcissists believe they are pretty/handsome all the time, but they believe themselves to be the most perfect person there is. “Claiming to be an ‘expert’ at many things” probably means you’re not. Narcissism is a mental illness that lots of people have, they just don’t know it. Think about it, we can all think if that one guy/girl who thinks that his/her life is way more important than everyone else’s and that the world revolves around them. Can you think of someone like that? Because I have got about five who act exactly like that. Not only are they super cocky, but they put their needs in front of everyone else’s.

Not only do we live in a narcissistic world, but because of social networking, jealousy and pride overloads this society that we live in has become a man-made hell for some of us. Do us all a favor, don’t be that heartless person who thinks they can post selfie and make everyone else feel bad because of their looks.

The author's comments:
I hope that you guys all see where I am coming from.

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