Internet Addictions | Teen Ink

Internet Addictions

May 23, 2014
By werk2derk BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
werk2derk BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Up to ten percent of Americans (from 15 to 30 million people) have become victims of internet addiction disorder. ( ) Many people use the internet to escape reality, and the internet is easy to access to do that. You can suffer from many different effects from this disorder. Internet addiction is bad because it decreases social skills has false sites and profiles, and causes other addictions in teens and adults.

Some effects of various internet addiction disorders are anxiety, depression, and stress. Many internet addictions causes anxiety and soon depression, they usually go hand in hand. ( ) It causes anxiety by having people to constantly check social media, emails, and other sites. In other words anxiety causes an uncontrollable use of the internet. Depression usually comes after anxiety; the escape from reality is only temporary which leaves people unhappy or depressed. Then depression it could lead to isolation, also a decrease in being socially active. After that you start to feel like you a better connection with the internet than in real-life.

Internet and computer addictions can also cause more addictions. It causes other harmful addictions because people are stress out and depressed. Internet and computer addiction cause many addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, and sex. ( ) It depends on what sites you visit, so be careful of what site you on. Try to limit

Many people believe that the internet is a good way to stay in touch with your friends, to be social, and it does not matter how long you are on the internet. Although the internet is a good way to stay connected with friends, it is not a good way to be socially active ( People think they are talking to people or “people” but if you look from a different prospective, are you? Many internet sites are deceitful and do not have real information or real profiles.

Internet Addictions are damaging because it depletes social skills and causes more addictions. It causes anxiety and depression. People should be cautious of what websites they dwell on. People should also limit their time on the internet and have another hobby out of their computers, so it could take up a portion of their spare time.

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