What Is Wrong With the American Schooling System | Teen Ink

What Is Wrong With the American Schooling System

June 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Today, selective programs for high performing, and good grades seem to be the only way to the college. In today’s public school system being in the gifted or AP program is perceived as an indicator of future success. Competition for who has the best education, from the best school, and with the highest GPA is at an all time high. Education is no longer about learning comprehension and aptitude testing but more about who is in the top of the class and exceeding standards. The American public school system is in many ways flawed due to the fact that is has not created an environment for all students to be successful, and puts too much focus on the high functioning students rather than preparing all students for not only college but also real life.

In traditional public schools, and especially those that are in major cities typically there is a diverse student population. Diversity in terms of race, class, gender, background, special education, and learning differences. The separation of class begins early on in the education process, in some cases as early as kindergarten; students are identified as being gifted or high aptitude learners and are placed on to a separate learning track. Typically, these programs are for students that function at a higher level than those their age. The process for identifying students for an advanced placement or gifted program begins early with a combination of tests and applications. My question is, should an aptitude test determine the entire spectrum of a student's intelligence? Are we creating an education gap by developing classes of educational programs? This assessment process does not take in to account how the student learns, their strengths and weaknesses.

During the high school years, students often focus more on getting the proper grades rather than retaining and understanding the education being given to them. This is because the schooling system is setting students to think college is the only avenue to success. The most common image that is being portrayed in most college counseling offices is “good grades will get you into a good school”. I feel that this is not the correct image to be directing towards high school kids, because it makes a portrayal kids too only think grades rather than the other very important aspects of high school like social skills, becoming a better member of society, learning new topics, growing mentally, and adapting the ability to become independent. These qualities are so important in surviving after high school and will are equally equivalent to grades.

I have been in the independent school system for the last seven years. Throughout this last seven years of my life, I feel that I have been forced into the direction of college. Even though this has been somewhat beneficial for me, there are other students that don’t feel the same. This is an example of the school system being to dependent on the future rather than being focused in the now. The first time that I was put into the college counseling office the first topic introduced was grades. Despite the actual conversation that was most important being “what are your feelings about college” it was propelled in the other direction. Despite the severity of this conversation, one small detail like how you start the college process should be pushed by the student and not forced upon by the advisor. By using myself for this example it shows how the college process can be more forced upon rather than a choice.

In our schooling system, we do a good job of giving kids the basic education they need. However, it is far more important that each students gets the most quality advice and opportunities that our system can offer. We can connect the difference in classes amongst public education and the huge push for college in private schools because they all have a common theme in that they are problems not being solved. Even though it may seem like a positive enforcement by schools, it is not in the best interest of the students. Our school system needs to change, and we have to create an environment for all students to be successful and prepare students for not just college but real life.

The author's comments:
This is a piece on my opinion on the American School System.

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