Beware of the Miserable Illness | Teen Ink

Beware of the Miserable Illness

June 12, 2014
By KcRae BRONZE, Grafton, New York
KcRae BRONZE, Grafton, New York
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Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning and had a slow start to your day? Maybe you stubbed your toe? We all know that stubbing your toe is by far the worst pain that a person can handle at one time. Or maybe you have too many assignments to keep track of? What if all those little problems caused your day to be terrible, to be sluggish, or to be miserable? Well, the good news is that we all have days where we are miserable, but we shouldn’t let a few incidents ruin our day as a whole. We should all try to look on the positive side of life instead of focusing on the negative. We are so exposed to the negativity that is constantly circling around us that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive. We are all different individuals, and that means that we all have different things that cause us to lose our grip on reality for a day or so. I think that people are most miserable on the days that they aren’t able to get out of bed, or maybe when they have to deal with people they don’t like, or maybe when they have to listen to others constantly complain, but all in all, we are destined to have a bad day once in a while. The best way to handle being miserable is to not let your anger control you, and you shouldn’t be mean to others because that isn’t acceptable behavior, so if you’re miserable, just stay quiet, overlook the situation(s) that made you mad, and try to focus on the positive.

The reason people don’t want to get out of their beds is that, let’s face it, our beds are way too comfortable in the morning. Our beds are warm, we are too tired to wake up, and it’s like sleeping on a cloud through the heavens in which we can dream any type of dream that we are able to create. Nobody wants to face reality when they are more than half asleep, or even ready to conquer the long day ahead. People don’t want to take a shower because afterwards they will be cold again, and taking a shower is a cruel reminder that you cannot go back to sleep. Even If you tried to be sneaky and go back to bed, the chances are that it will be nearly impossible to do so. People are miserable because they don’t get enough sleep. People are up all hours of the night. For example, college and high school students are up very late finishing the five essays that are due the next day, and they still have to make time for the studying that they must do in order to pass their classes, new parents are up nearly every hour taking care of their “precious” little bundle of joy, and some people stay up just to catch that new episode of the pointless show that draws in their absolute attention. Regardless of why people are up late, the next day will be rough. That person will be so tired, and when people are tired, they are more likely to have a rough morning. They would spill their coffee all over themselves, they could forget all their papers at home, or they could be in traffic when they have somewhere to be in five minutes. When people are tired, that creates a scary atmosphere for anybody in their path. The best advice is to not annoy a tired person because he or she could potentially turn into the Hulk, and then you will be mushed into a pile of ooze. Nobody wants to be a pile of ooze. Be careful of the danger zone that the tired, zombie-like humans create.

Another reason people are so miserable is because that don’t get what they want. Girls want all the latest fashion trends, iPhones, and expensive jewelry, and when they don’t receive such items, it is like World War III. Girls will carry on the biggest, most annoying complaints that you will ever hear. They will complain until a parent or boyfriend has no other choice than to give in and buy that girl her useless, expensive item. But what really is the cost? You will be miserable that you just wasted money on something worthless just to have your daughter or girlfriend not complain for a few days. Who’s really the winner in that situation? I think that if money could laugh, it would definitely be laughing at the guy that just spent $400 on a bracelet that his girlfriend will wear once.

Girls can be the most miserable when they don’t get what they want, but so can little kids. They will pout, cry, and carry on as if the world is ending just because they want one toy. As a parent, you can’t always spoil your child, but sometimes that crying is way too much to deal with, and then you have to give in and buy your child that toy just so you can save yourself from that headache. Parents get miserable because they get no sleep. They are constantly woken up by their children at all different hours of the night. Sometimes just for a snack, maybe a nightmare here and there, and maybe there really is a monster in their child’s closet. Parents will then get no sleep, not be ready for the day ahead, and be so miserable that they are too sluggish to complete their daily assignments. When people are miserable, they can sometimes be mean. They can take their anger out on anyone and definitely anything. The last thing anybody wants to come home to is crying, a dirty house, fighting amongst kids, finding your house destroyed from your puppy, and to top it all off, if you stub your toe to continue your bad luck, and then you are destined to scream out profanity and cry a lot. People, especially parents, value the time when there is utter silence throughout their day, and for most parents that doesn’t come around too often. Parents just want to go home, relax, eat, and be in bed at 6pm. Kids don’t value sleep. When we were younger, taking a nap was the geekiest, most pathetic thing that we were forced to do, but when we hit high school, we all want nap time. Teenagers always want to sleep, and when we don’t sleep, we are beyond miserable. We will be sassy and sluggish. And nothing is worse than a miserable teenager who didn’t get any sleep; now that is a scary thought, so beware.

I think that people get miserable so fast because we are exposed to negativity everywhere we look. It’s constantly on the news about a person who died a tragic death, or how the war is ruining the nation, or how our country has little to no money left over. We are so exposed to all this negativity that we lose our grip on reality. We forget that there are positive things in life such as working all night to achieve that A that we deserve, or how a newborn baby has brought out a whole new loving side to new parents, or how that television series really touched your heart and made you want to do something for your community. Everybody should focus on the positive side of life because if we waste our time with the negative, then we will constantly be miserable, and nobody can put up with a miserable-Mary all day. Being miserable affects the people around you because they won’t want to be near you. They will stay as far away from you as they possibly can, and before you know it, you have no friends because you’re too distant and moody. We all have our off days, and that is a normal part of life, but we should all value each day that we are given because we don’t know if it’ll be our last. Even though nothing makes people madder than stubbing their toe, maybe that teaches us a lesson that bad things happen to good people, and if we can survive that pain, then we are strong enough to conquer anything that gets in our way.

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