Should Animal Hunting be Considered a Sport? | Teen Ink

Should Animal Hunting be Considered a Sport?

January 15, 2015
By Danny_Suculanda BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
Danny_Suculanda BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Should Animal Hunting be consider as a sport or is it just cruel and unnecessary? Animal Hunting has been around for more than centuries all around the world, People used to kill animals just for sources such as weapons, fur and specially for food, But now and on this days Hunting has just turned from being necessary to be considered as a fun sport where people kill animals for enjoyment and excitement. MIllions and Millions of animals are killed each year during the hunting seasons killed with in cold blood there is no hesitation in pulling the trigger for hunter there is just enjoyment for them and there is just a slowly painfull dead for the victims. Is this fun at all to be consider a sport?
Millions and million of animals are killed each year. Humans are part of mother nature so  as animals but there is something we have been doing wrong we have been killing animals not for needs but for satisfaction, Many animals are killed each year such as deers, Wild ducks, Black bears, white tail fox etc and even some of this animals are endangered people still hunt for them and they would look everywhere until they find it and kill it.

What will happen eventually happen? If people keep hunting for ten more years the animals that are being hunt they will be endangered animals. I mean look at the world from today to ten more years it will be all different including animals.
Animals are like us,Animals can reproduce, animals have feelings, animals are part of mother nature, we are like them they are like us, We shouldn't hunt animals for fun and excitement this is cruel and unnecessary   

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on Jan. 24 2015 at 11:27 am
Mockingjay_54 GOLD, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 17 comments
Hunting animals is in no way a sport. It is sadistic and cowardly to hunt living creatures for fun.