Guns Aren't as Bad as They Seem | Teen Ink

Guns Aren't as Bad as They Seem

April 24, 2015
By RyneDude557 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
RyneDude557 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

America was built on a foundation of freedom for the people. The Second Amendment, which reads “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” But what exactly does this mean for the American people? Are we able to have weapons because of the Second Amendment, or are we not thinking correctly? A standpoint on this topic is that a gun is merely a tool, like a hammer, that the user makes violent. This is completely true, that a gun without somebody pulling the trigger is useless, and will not do anything. Guns in the United States are used eighty times more often to prevent a crime from happening than to be used to take a life. This means that the American people understand how to use their weapons. From the time of 1991 to 2011, there has been a 58% decrease in unintentional deaths from firearms (Info wars).¬¬¬ This is impressive considering that the United States has the number one gun ownership for the citizens in the entire world, which would seem that we would have high accidental deaths.
Guns in the United States have been proven to be extremely safe for the citizens. Georgia has passed a law that requires every citizen to have a gun in their house. By doing this, the crime rate has dropped by 50 percent (Info wars). Also, every single year, 200,000 women use a firearm to prevent a sexual crime (Info wars). It is horrible that those crimes are happening, but the fact that women are able to protect themselves from them is amazing. If guns were to be taken away, it would mean that 200,000 more women would not be able to protect themselves from a sexual crime. The United Kingdom however, has four times the amount of violent crimes than the United States, and do have very strict gun control laws.

There are many reasons on how guns are unsafe. People will abuse their responsibility with firearms, like how Chicago is said to be the most violent city in the world. The people in Chicago have strict gun control laws, and because of that, the crime rate has actually risen by 17 percent (Info wars). This proves that if guns are banned, the people will still use them for bad things, but they cannot be stopped because a law abiding citizen will not have a gun.

The United States is number one in gun ownership. This means that people all throughout the United States, people have guns. Whether it is for protection or hunting, guns are guns. It is necessary that these guns are taken control of, but they do not need to be taken. There are people who have been used to shooting guns, people who have grown up on farms and hunted so that they could get their food. What are they doing wrong? There are people, however, who use the guns for bad things, like murder or robbery. Surprisingly, the United States is 28th in murders per 100,000 people (Info wars), a pretty impressive number for how many guns we have. Also, the murder rate in the United States is at its lowest number since 1981 (Fact check).

To conclude this argument, it is necessary that people understand how dangerous the guns are that they are buying. Laws need to be passed about how easily people can get gun ownership permits, and what is and isn’t acceptable for somebody to buy. Americans love their guns, people use them as if they were part of family, and they have truly been proven to protect people and to let people hunt, which is their exact purpose in this world.

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