Flag (Success) | Teen Ink

Flag (Success)

November 5, 2015
By Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American flag represents the success that America has had over the past 239 years. American soldiers have defended our country through numerous wars and battles in order to protect our country. The military has worked hard which has led to great successes, like winning the Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Soldiers even put the American flag on the ground to show that they won the war. We have also won the American Revolution, which led to a great success because we won independence. America hasn’t always been successful, especially when we lost in the Vietnam War.

America’s successes continue to impact our lives. The people of New York barely survived the Osama Bin Laden attack on the Twin Towers. Soldiers had the plan to find and eliminate Osama Bin Laden. Their plan was successful and we were all saved from no more attacks by him. Our president, Obama, and our soldiers, will and must always be aware of any attacks that will destroy any important buildings.

America also became successful at being the first to do anything. US men first landing on the moon in 1969, but we were also the first to succeed in landing on the moon. Soldiers used machine guns in the Civil War because they needed really strong weapons that’ll help us be victorious. American inventors also had the idea of making the first cell phone, which helped soldiers communicate with each other during their battle in wars. America became successful by using some useful items to help prevail and also visiting the moon.

America has really been successful and hopefully they keep doing the right thing in the future. We’ve survived many attacks and used some useful items, which helped us win many wars and battles. That’s why the flag represents success to me.

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