Obama's Flag | Teen Ink

Obama's Flag

November 6, 2015
By Anonymous

Freedom and opportunities are given to Americans because of what the flag represents. Freedom is given to us by the service men and women protecting America. The opportunities are presented to us because of our country’s patriotism and freedom. The American flag represents serving America and what it stands for as a free country.

In America, everyone is  given the gift of living in a free country with opportunities. You live in the most powerful and greatest country because America has more freedom than other country in the world and you should show your appreciation for your freedom.

You can serve America by honoring the flag. The flag shows America has 50 United States and represents past and present military service. Historical events are remembered when people look at the flag.  These events include Pearl Harbor, September 11th, and the attack on Benghazi. Those events showed people dying for America, and by honoring the flag while taking off your hat and putting your hand on your chest and saying the pledge, you also honor past service.

The flag conveys a sense of patriotism as people are remembered. These people are the ones who helped create and protect America. A patriotic feeling is felt seeing the American flag being draped over a football field while being held up by service men and women, especially during the Superbowl. When you walk down decorated streets on the 4th of July and gaze at the flags hanging over small business and shops you can’t help but feel patriotic. Feeling patriotic and saluting service shows your honor for the flag. And the patriotism, freedom, and opportunities of America as seen in the American Flag because of our heroic servicemen and women.

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