The Long Lasting Scars from Bullying | Teen Ink

The Long Lasting Scars from Bullying

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Ever since I moved to Orlando from Michigan, nothing has been the same. Everyone back in Michigan accepted everyone’s differences and embraced them.I was ecstatic when my parents told me that we were moving to Orlando, that meant new friends and new experiences. I thought that the people in Florida would be just like the people in Michigan, but I was wrong. Everyone here hated difference; so much that they would become bullies and torture you. I used to enjoy school back in Michigan, but all I do after coming home from school now is cry about how much I hate it here and how much I hate school.

Many of those students who are bullied, attend schools where anti-bullying programs are not present or are not popular. This causes the message of the program to be ignored or unknown.

Bullying that occurs in school is a major problem in the United States. About 75% of students have been a victim of one type of bullying or another. According to, 1 in 4 teachers believe that there is nothing wrong with bullying and teacher will only intervene 4% of the time.

Bullying can cause many long term causes to those who are being oppressed. 1 in 10 students drop out of school due to excessive bullying. Bullying can lead to many students to perform poorly in school. It can also trigger mental disorders in many students such as anxiety and depression which could lead to substance abuse or suicide.
According to, many state and local lawmakers made laws that dealt with anti-bullying programs in schools in 2010, yet many of those laws are not effective in a lot of
schools in the United States.

The amount of attention and awareness towards anti-bullying programs in high schools through America should increase. Along with the amount of attention increasing, the funding spent towards anti-bullying programs throughout high schools should increase as well.This  would decrease the rate of students of suffering with physiological disorders because of the effects of bullying.

Research done by professors at Duke University show that bullying can affect one’s mental health as well as their performance in school. At least one in four children have been the victim of bullying. One decade later, the children who were bullied were more than likely to suffer from anxiety problems. Children who were bullied as well as bullied others showed a risk of depression as well as having suicidal thoughts. Since many do not know about or pay attention to the bullying situation in schools, those who are oppressed are more likely going to face mental disorders.  Their poor performance in school correlates to their lack of interest to going to school.

The money provided to schools to deal with programs is very low. According to, each year only $125 is allotted per each student for anti-bullying programs by the local government. This money can barely cover any costs that are necessary for anti-bullying programs that are useful and actually prevent bullying overall. The money being provided is useless since it is not enough to cover for everything and only covers for a partial amount of the program.

Bullying is not as important as education, therefore the money that is spent towards anti-bullying programs should go towards improving educational programs in school. Although this might be true, those who are victims  of bullying will suffer because there are no programs that help prevent bullying from happening. If anti-bullying programs were to get more attention and money, those who were once victims of bullying will stop being bullied because of the rules. Also, the number of kids who will focus and do better in school will expand.If more money was spent towards programs in school that dealt with anti-bullying, fewer students would suffer from psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Bullying can affect many for a very long time, it is vital that enough money and attention is put towards programs that help promote anti-bullying. If actions were to be taken towards ending bullying in schools, many victims of bullying would reap the benefits of doing better in school and not having to suffer through mental illnesses.

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