Woman, Clothes, and Character | Teen Ink

Woman, Clothes, and Character

December 17, 2015
By jjandrea BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jjandrea BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a persons everyday life they will always be surrounded by the opinion and judgment of others. That’s a given, it comes with being human, but there are certain opinions which have been accepted by society even though they are completely wrong. What I speak on now is the way women are viewed based on how they dress.


Somehow the general public got this idea that the more skin a girl shows correlates with their sexual partners. In societies mind the amount of skin shown determines how much respect she receives as a woman. For a long time I too believed  that if a girl walked around with a short skirt or dressed a certain way that they weren’t girls to be respected. The amount of skin shown does not and should not dictate the respect a woman should get. If a girl is confident enough about her body to show it then she should be able to with the just as much respect as the next woman.

Not only this but what a girl wears has no correlation with her sexual life. The girl that your looked at the wrong way because she was showing cleavage could be the most innocent girl out there while a girl with everything covered up could possibly have 3 partners at once. There is no way that clothing determines her character, sexual endeavors, or her amount of respect as a person. There are reasons that people look at girls that show skin the wrong way due to the over-sexualization of their bodies. The body is something to be praised not looked down upon.

The body of a woman is something that men constantly want to see but when it is in fat actually shown a woman gets looked down at for it. Our parents sat there and taught us that those type of woman are no good. We need to say no to this way of thinking and respect all woman disregarding what they wear or how they do their makeup or what she chooses to do with her body. Just like a man who works out and takes a shirtless picture in the gym it should be no different than a woman showing her body off in whatever she pleases.

Overall character is determined by what the person brings forth through their words not completely based on what is physically presented. If a woman decides to show skin that is okay. If she chooses to show less that is also okay. It should make no difference in their treatment or how they are perceived.

The author's comments:

I hope peoples views on woman are signifigantly changed.

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