Humans Can Be Better | Teen Ink

Humans Can Be Better

March 3, 2016
By Nicholas987 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
Nicholas987 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Evolution has come to a halt, natural selection no longer runs its course, and this can and inevitably will lead to reverse-evolution and the extinction of our race. Because of this the act of genetically modifying human children should be encouraged because it will not only improve the human gene pool, but also cure diseases.

46, the number of chromosomes passed on to us. 23 from the father and 23 from the mother. These are the building blocks of a human and as with any building block quality matters. Natural selection works where the weakest (let's say less evolved) of a species does not reproduce. It is killed off by predators and  thus, the gene-pool of the race is in constant flux and is ever improving. But humanity in a few thousand years has nearly destroyed this eons-old system that originally made us masters of this planet. This curse of being able to think and feel is called compassion. We no longer neglect the weakest of our species, we help them and nurture them, which is an amazing thing more advanced a thing than any other species, but it will nonetheless lead only to disaster, an evil act with good intentions. The solution to this looming problem is genetically modifying children so they are without defect and so evolution cannot reverse itself due to lack of improvement. Through genetic engineering near or before birth, future physical and mental defects can be avoided and weak genetic traits can be improved upon. The science even exists to enhance human mental abilities and physical abilities creating more options for natural evolution and overall strength in the gene pool of the species. While we do have the power to enhance humans it cannot be abused. Genetic improvements that are not required medically like physical traits (traits of one's body: weight, height, etc.) should be greatly discouraged but that would be the responsibility of the parents and medical provider and in no way should reflect on the potential of the science.

6,000, The Genetic Disease Foundation recent research revealed ¨ There are over 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed down through the generations, many of which are fatal or severely debilitating¨. All 6,000 and many other diseases all could be cured near or before birth through genetic modification. Even if diagnosed with a fatal disease genetic treatments can not only postpone death it can also cure the illness. An example of such a disease is Bronchial Infections, Bronchial Infections are the major cause of death for patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The lungs of CF patients produce thick mucus that provides a growing ground for bacteria and viruses. If a normal gene can be inserted into the cells of the lungs, a patient's life could be preserved until full recovery is made. The way genetic treatments work is the defective gene is replaced throughout the body by injection into the bloodstream with a functional gene. The closer to birth the modification is made the higher probability there is of a full recovery. As an example the first gene therapy trial in humans corrected a life-threatening immune disorder in a two-year-old girl who is still alive and well ten years later. Even better when a genetic defect is detected in an early embryo, it’s possible to add a non-defective gene, allowing the normal gene to be present in all tissues including reproductive tissues. Though some may claim that it's ¨Not Natural¨ or it's ¨Not the way Mother-Nature Intended¨ isn't it even crueler and less humane to let children die because they can't receive state of the art medical treatment due to the irrelevant opinion of a third or fourth party person? Not to mention the flaws in anti-genetic treatment supporters claims, the positive affect much outway the negative ones (if any). While the fact remains that like any treatment, it is optional in accordance to the wants and beliefs of the patient, their parents, and or the doctor.
Undoubtedly, humans need to create our own future where disease and illness are history. Just like World War 2, we need to overcome our limits by advancing into the future stronger than we are today. Because everyone has the right to live, the act of genetically modifying human children should be encouraged because it will not only improve the human gene pool, but also cure all types of diseases. 

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