The Oreo Affect | Teen Ink

The Oreo Affect

March 23, 2016
By jiggyjose BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
jiggyjose BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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i hated every minute of practice, but its better to suffer now an live like a king later

I can relate to jacob hood when he wrote "we feel the need to put ourselves in a box forbthe benefit of society such as beng simply black or white. Our mixed identity becomes smudged until we cn appear as the world wants us to be, not as what we are". I agree thst we as multiracial teens do feel the need to generalize ourselves to the way where we are acepted by society. Growing up mixed can be lonely and confusing as jacob stated, but being biracial that is something very unique that not everyone has. Thank you jacob for exressig your thoughts on why the world always tries to recognie someone as either blaack, brown, or white. In todays society, more than 7 million americans have multiracial backgrounds. 

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