What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

April 20, 2016
By diggre BRONZE, Harbeson, Delaware
diggre BRONZE, Harbeson, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Warrior, survivor, savior are three words that come to mind when I think of freedom. This is what freedom and veterans mean to me. First I would like to thank the veterans, who fought for my freedom and my family who fought for my country. All veterans deserve my thanks and respect for their service.

Thanks for giving me the freedom to do what I like to do every day. Going to school to get an education, enjoying boy scouts, and playing sports. I have the freedom to live with my parents in a democratic society. With that freedom I can go to the University of Delaware and become anything I want. I don’t have to worry about society dictating what I do.

Veterans have given me those freedoms through their sacrifice within the military. So many different wars that they fought and are still fighting. The Wars that you fought and don’t like to think about; like World War I, World War II, Korean, Vietnam, and the Wars we are still fighting in the Middle East. But I also know about the war you fight at home, which is the nightmares or flashbacks.

My Dad and Uncle Bob fought in Vietnam. My Dad was a Marine and my Uncle Bob was Military Police in the United States Air Force. My Dad says, “I will never be the same” as when he left for war. When he came back he had lost everything he had before he left. When you sign up to be a military member it’s like signing your soul over to the country.

I hope you get a lot of respect from people because you are a veteran. Never feel like you’re not like the rest of us, you are. You have one thing they will never have and that’s that you fought for our freedom. You gave me and the other people the freedom to live our lives. You put in efforts just like some of the most important people in our history – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

In conclusion, freedom and veterans are very important in my life. I feel that veterans deserve our respect for their service time and sacrifice. This is why I respect freedom very much.

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