Girls Education | Teen Ink

Girls Education

May 16, 2016
By ChocolateQueen BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
ChocolateQueen BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every single women is a queen

Dear Parents:

I was going to address this letter to the politicians of your country… but I figured the politicians aren't the ones who decide for your family.

You are the parents of over 60,000,000 girls.

Isn’t it hard to see your girl cry?

Doesn’t it hurt when you stop your girl from going to school?

Won’t it pierce your heart when you see your little girl get beaten up by a man you thought would keep her happy?

Why do you keep watching only your sons go to school? Why not your daughters?

I know you guys don’t have enough money but…. giving your daughter to someone else as their bride is like selling her.

People harass her on the way to school, but your daughter has to be confident enough to tell you, and you guys have to be brave enough to stop it, because you chose to have her, now make life better for her.
She will get threatened to be raped or killed while going to school, But you have to be a parent and do whatever it takes for the obstacles in your daughter’s way to disappear.

As a parent you have seen poverty and most likely don’t have enough money… Your daughters get that. They won’t ask for education, but if you provide education for them, they will be big business leaders, huge doctors, scientists and many many many more things because they will have a deep goal to complete.

Your daughters won’t have to take the same road of life as you. Your daughter will have the power to hold the whole world in one hand. She will prove the whole wide world wrong if you let her.

She will have a future in a kitchen, or on a table showing her bare arms and legs.. Because without education, that's all a girl can ever do.

Just light a candle in her dark future, that’s all you need to do.

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