Doggedly Pursuing Justice | Teen Ink

Doggedly Pursuing Justice

May 31, 2016
By Hey_boss_ChinChin_PinkGuy BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Hey_boss_ChinChin_PinkGuy BRONZE, Auburn, New York
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Favorite Quote:
Hey Boss

The US government has a court system to serve justice to those who commit crimes. The court proceeding starts out with an arraignment, at which a person is informed of criminal charges against him and enters a plea of not guilty. Then there are pre-trial appearances where motions are discussed and ruled upon by the judge. After that the accused person either pleas guilty in exchange for a lighter punishment or has a trial which the government must prove his guilt. At trial the judge or jury decides if the person is guilty. Finally there is a sentence hearing where the guilty person is told of the penalty for his crime.

Roman Polanski is a Jew who grew up without parents. His father was taken away by the Nazis. His mother died in a Nazi concentration camp. As an adult he became a film director. His success put him in a position of power over others. Since he was a film director, he had control over an actress that was a little girl.

The power got to his head and he committed statutory rape. The girl was thirteen years old and unable to give consent. Roman was about forty-one when he did this. Since Roman was a film director and her boss and, he abused his position of power over another. The actress was in his house, because she was working for him and used to him giving her orders. She was in a state of weakness.

He was charged in Court in California with statutory rape. He eventually confessed his crime and entered a guilty plea. The Court had scheduled his sentencing. Roman avoided his sentencing by leaving the country. By leaving, Roman was evading justice and trying to escape from his punishment.

There have been many extradition attempts to bring him back for sentencing. There was a extradition attempt in Switzerland and two in Poland. The second extradition attempt in Poland is now pending, but the previous attempts had been rejected. Roman has avoided justice for now.

Roman had evaded justice since February, 1, 1978. The US prosecutors have  showned dogged determination in their pursuit of justice. They want to see that Roman is punished for raping the girl and that he is prevented from committing another offence. Now there is one question to be answered; will justice ever catch up to Roman Polanski?

The author's comments:

I am a 9th grader in Auburn, NY.

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