This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

January 8, 2019
By joeyf BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
joeyf BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in comebacks, underdogs, blowouts, buzzer beaters, and all the fun that comes with watching and playing sports whether your young or old. I grew up playing lots of sports and watching lots of sports and to this day it’s a big part of my life.

I believe in comebacks because I have been apart of them and watched them. When I played 12u  we were in a baseball tournament and were playing the 3rd best team in the whole Northwest we were down by a couple runs and ended up coming back and winning the game. Another comeback was in 2010 it was USA vs. Algeria and it was tied up until the very end when Donovan scored and allowed Team USA to win 1-0.

I believe in underdogs and all of the glory that comes with winning that game. Just this year we were the underdogs for both of our playoff games with under a 20% chance to win either of them and we ended up winning not one but both of them and advancing even farther into the playoffs. When I was younger my basketball team made it to the championship and we were the underdog because we lost to the team we were playing in the regular season. We ended up beating them and getting the trophy and that was pretty cool when I was younger.

I believe in blowouts because I've been apart of both sides the one getting beat and the one beating. Sometimes your team has it and the other team doesn't it goes both ways tho so don't talk outside the whistle or lines depending on what sport you play or watch. One time we played a team in baseball and beat them 12-0 then i the same weekend lost 7-0 to them so sports can be crazy.

I believe in buzzerbeater and in the final second game savers. The kind of play that makes your heart stop and everything feel like it's moving in slow motion. Buzzer Beaters don't happen often but when they do you hear about them a lot and how clutch that player or players came up for their team and themselves.

The author's comments:

I like sports so I wrote this.

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