My Sport | Teen Ink

My Sport

October 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Wrestling is great and not WWE, im talking about the wrestling that the greeks did. Maybe with clothes though. If it is true that the Greeks wrestled nude. Anyway It is great, or at least sometimes. Wrestling for me is like a new city ,or a new book you never know what or when something is going to happen unless you've been told. Though that is not your experienced opinion so it's pretty mutch just up to you on what happens.

Now I guess I should tell you why wrestling is great ,and sometimes terrible. Like absolutely terrible, mind scrabily, mentaly challenging, physically challenging, crying city. Yup I just summed up pandora’s box for you. I feel this way because in my opinion, wrestling is the hardest sport there is.  It is only you vs. your opponent once you step on the matt. Well unless you count you coach and ref, I really don't. Just you and your opponent battling to win. No team, no one to blame, no one to count on, besides you and your skill. Therefore if you are not the greatest and you wrestle someone highly skilled there is a big chance you are going to get beat up and then be crying in the gyms hallways questioning why you are doing this. Totally not speaking from experience. 

Anyway there are a few ways to win if you wrestle folkstyle .Which is the most popular in wrestling till college. You win a match by either pinning your opponent on there back in many ways that should look normal, or winning by points. You get points again in many ways ,but the few are takedowns: taking your opponent to their knees from your feet, nearfall: putting your opponent's shoulders on one or both shoulders for two seconds or more, or caution; an illegal  move or potion repeated twice or on purpose.

Those are just the basics there are many other things to think about before and during a match to win. One of the biggest reasons that wrestling is hard for me is because of what I think before every match. How good is my opponent, what if I fail, what if I lose, WHAT IF I don't even wrestle. These thoughts are the reasoning behind my anxiety before a match, also why the bathrooms arw always full during a tournament. 

Now why is wrestling good, there has to be a reason I love it buried under all these thoughts. Its because its a rewarding sport for skill, strength, and even speed. You are rewarded a takedown when you are skilled. You are rewarded by the joy of hard word being paid off after winning a hard match. Sometimes you are even rewarded by the thought of just having a good performance. “Not bad”. I sometimes think when I have a great performance during a loss. This is what wrestling is for me ,a sport not well known, a sport that can be heartbreaking, a sport that can give you joy even after a loss, and most of all a sport that I chose to commit to. I am the one who wins, loses, and puts the time and evort in to get better every day. This is my sport.

The author's comments:

This peace is my oppinon on my sport wrestlin. This is for Mrs.Wagner 2019-2020 class 

A/B project.

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