Feeling of Athleticism | Teen Ink

Feeling of Athleticism

October 28, 2019
By Wyatt48 BRONZE, Saratoga, California
Wyatt48 BRONZE, Saratoga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feeling of Athleticism


Athleticism has always been important to me. All the days I couldn’t hang out with friends or missed a school event for a practice is all worth it. When I’m on the grind, all the sweat, tears, and blood separate me from the others. When I’m working out at my house or by myself, I want to  quit, not do all the repetitions, but I know that if I do it, it’s going to make me better and stronger. I go and work out with older kids to get better with my friend Matt. This makes us feel better, because I am going up against kids that are more experienced, faster, stronger, and bigger. Examples of more experienced kids are, my friend Matt and all my brother's friends at Valley Christian. But I am exelling by going against the experienced  people. It raises my standards to work harder than them and play more physical than they are. While I am working with older players, it sucks when you are getting beat up. When you play against the average kid or people your age, you are better, compared to them. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I wanted to express my feelings and opinion of sports in school. 

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