Is cheer leading a sport? | Teen Ink

Is cheer leading a sport?

March 12, 2020
By nickiisj BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
nickiisj BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people say cheerleading isn’t a sport because it is dominated by female athletes. Stunting requires lifting a person into the air, throwing them and being able to properly catch them. Gina Dailey say, “cheerleaders work just as hard as any other sport”. At a typical cheer competition teams must be able to perform a two-and-a-half-minute routine that needs to include stunts, jumps and tumbling. 

Stunts can require flyers to be thrown in different directions. Jumps in cheerleading not only look different but they each require a specific procedure.                                                                  

Injures is a BIG Issue

According to Brenda j. Shields, a total of 567 long term injuries happened in just this one year. Not only is it considered to be one of the hardest sports for female athletes but also the most dangerous. According to Cheerleader Taylor Anderson, “Even after the tears, bruises and fears, I still want to go back to practice every day “.

 Cheer was responsible for 65 percent of direct catastrophic injuries to female high school athletes. Catastrophic injuries are injuries to the spinal cord or brain. For example, a male cheerleader Terrell Barker, experienced a catastrophic injury from a back handspring to full.

Best Outcomes in Cheer

Cheerleading isn't just competing, but you also have key points in your life such as full rides to college, fan bases and some of the best job outcomes. Cheerleaders can win scholarships up to 2,000 dollars and many threw out the school year.




Out of 100 people in my local community 85 people say cheer is a sport.

The author's comments:

I collected my own data and created a graph 

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