Behind the Wheel: My love for Driving | Teen Ink

Behind the Wheel: My love for Driving

June 7, 2024
By 5strobusch BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5strobusch BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The action of driving is something billions of people do each and every day. Some people find driving as boring, others find it being risky, and others like me find driving as a time where I feel most alive. I personally love driving because I can be alone and blast my music as an escape from reality. 

Driving brings me calmness. Driving gives me peace. Driving gives me freedom. I love just having the time to myself to listen to music and think to myself in the car while I drive. When driving my brain opened up to random things about my day. I really need to study for my math test tomorrow. I should buy my mom flowers for mothers day. I think lacrosse practice is inside because of the rain. I recall my day and future events while also focusing on the road and singing along to music. 

I feel lots of freedom as to where I want to go, whether it’s going to a store or getting food. As I drive I make sure to have laser focus on the road. Being focused and coordinated while driving gives me the strength to be in the moment and be attentive. This is a strength I believe improves the more I drive. Driving to many people includes: hanging out with friends, driving to sports practices, or even just going to the store. This is the simplicity for most people. For me, driving is like navigating through all the possibilities of life, where every turn is a new adventure. I’m able to experience the sun shining into my car, I can look around at all the people driving, and I have a moment to myself during the day to reflect. Driving is more than just transportation for me, and I will cherish the experience of driving for as long as I live.

The author's comments:

This was a piece I wrote for my final project and I wrote about something that makes me feel most alive.

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