World Series | Teen Ink

World Series

December 6, 2012
By Anonymous

Fans still wearing their Giants apparel with pride to this day because of their nice clean sweep in the World Series. In the sports world right now the controversies are mainly about football, since they are almost in mid-season. The San Francisco Niners main controversy is who gets to be starting quarter back, but there is another sports controversy that wasn’t given enough credit. Even though it is an old topic the fans still care, did the San Francisco Giants deserve to win the World Series? It was a second World Series win in a three year span since 1975.
A lot of people didn’t think the Giants deserved their win against the Detroit Tigers in the World Series, but their game was a fair and square sweep. Four out of seven games have to be won in order for the other team to have clearly been beaten, and the Giants just played how it should have been done. The first World Series game was held in San Francisco, Giants against the Tigers. First game of the series was a score of 8-3, leaving the Giants with a clear win. On the second game still in San Francisco was a score of 2-0, the Tigers were clearly doing something wrong. Then the third game held in the same place another game with the score 2-0. For the fourth game the Giants played in the Detroit Tigers home field with 44 degree weather, no advantages for the Giants since they were not used to the cold frost weather. The game was intense with a tie 3-3, they had to play extra innings to break the tie. The Giants make a run leaving them up 4-3 in the tenth inning. Romo fires a high and inside fastball to strike out the Tigers best player Miguel Cabrera and leaves him with the bat on his shoulder. The pitch secured the Giants second World Series victory in three seasons.

After the clean win the Giants had Detroit Tiger fans didn’t think the Giants deserved that World Series win, but why not? There was no cheating or anything going on was there? The Giants actually had a very harsh season, the worst out of all the Major League Baseball teams. According to Malaika Bobino a writer and a sports enthusiast from the San Francisco Huff Post writes “no other team in MLB has faced number of problems that the Giants have.” They lost two of their great players due to failed drug testing (Melky Cabrera and Guillermo Mota). The worst loss was losing their closing pitcher Brian Wilson or as people may know him as “the beard of defiance” to an early injury during spring training. But that still didn’t stop the Giants from making it to the World Series.

The Tigers were led to the Championship game, almost absent when needed. On the other hand the Giants have overcome adversity on every level. The San Francisco Giants were the first National League team to come back after a 0-2 deficit in the NL to beat the Cincinnati Reds. Then they also came up from being down 3-1 in the National League Championships Series against the St. Louis Cardinals. The wins the Giants had were because of the determination that kept them going.

The Detroit Tigers were very good competition for the Giants, almost too good of competition. Prince Fielder to a multi-million dollar contract, for the next nine years. They also have Miguel Cabrera who was awarded the 2012 Triple Crown for his American League’s home run, RBI, and batting championships. That is the first Triple Crown winner since 1967. Then Justin Verlander from the Tigers earned the title as the “best pitcher” in the Major Leagues. The Detroit Tigers were in perfect condition to win the World Series this last season.
Even after all the struggles, after all the team member loses, after all the hard and stressful moments, after all that the San Francisco Giants became World Series Champions. So who really deserved to win? Maybe the Giants did deserve it after all because they were strong, determined, and faced the struggles they had. Instead of being soft like tigers just roaring about a loss, the Giants have the victory.

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