Early Touchdown | Teen Ink

Early Touchdown

December 5, 2013
By CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Early Touchdown:

Winning state Freshman year, now that is an accomplishment! Football teams without the early JFL program might not be able to accomplish such a honorable recognition like that. I’m here to talk about the benefits the JFL program will do for you when you play the sport we all know and love in the present and future.

The JFL program teaches the athlete at a young age the rules and fundamentals of the game. It teaches that knowledge and skill to them so they can later use it to play at the highschool level or beyond. In my hometown the JFL program provides athletic knowledge to the athlete; furthermore, our high school teams have been filled with athleticism for recent playing of football. They come in to their high school football career aware of the rules and the logic behind the game. It is better that they know a good amount about football before high school so they don’t have to waste any time to re-explain things or teach major parts of the game to a large number of players. The coaches really enjoy this aspect of the program; they encourage their town to fund and support it. Often people disagree with the program and say its dangerous for the young athletes or the coaches of high school might have different plays or coaching methods then the JFL coaches, I can see where they are coming from. That is a possibility and maybe even a concern of players, coaches and the parents, nonetheless the coaches take this into mind and always come up with a quick and easy solution. Although the concerns about those topics provide a major role the benefits to the topic overweighs the negatives and sums it up with a good feeling.

Another positive aspect of the early JFL program is that it teaches the young athlete important life lessons, on the lines of teamwork, courage, and determination. These life lessons are a major part of character building. The lessons you learn in JFL football will equip you with a happy and healthy life later on. To the ones that don’t make their living off playing professionally most of us will go pro in something other than football. Nevertheless, you can use those valuable lessons you learned no matter what field of work you're in. I know many people who still applies the lessons to their life and can still remember the lessons because it made such a dramatic impact on them, furthermore they have a very successful life and they are great individuals because of this. Although I strongly support the program and the lessons it teaches you the often discussed negative opinions have come to my attention and I feel the need to address those. People claim the program teaches you violence and that contact is an okay thing all the time not just on the football field. In that case I would say that the coaches make sure that their players know and respect school and society rules and they discipline them that the only contact they should take part in will happen on the field with their supervision. The majority of the coaches I’ve ever had always made sure of this and made sure we the players respected this, for that reason right there. Every year the players respect it, for we have enough respect for the coach and society to do so.
All in all, I have participated in the JFL program and I strongly feel like it has made me a better person today to conclude, I back it and hopefully after reading this you feel the same way about the benefits it provides in a young athlete's life and the impact it can made as I do.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece due to the people in my hometown who say playing JFL football before playing high school football is a waste of time.

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