Skies and Snowboards | Teen Ink

Skies and Snowboards

December 10, 2013
By Colleen Richards BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
Colleen Richards BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Skis and Snowboards

Skis and Snowboards can be very dangerous objects if used the wrong way. But know if you use them the proper way, then it can turn out to be a very fun experience for you. Personally I love to ski and snowboard, but others just like to do one or the other. Skiing I think is much easier because you are looking forward and you are standing on two objects, which also makes it a little harder because it is more to control. Snowboarding, I get is harder because you are standing sideways on the board and it does feel weird when you first start out. It will become more natural after about the third or fourth time you snowboard. It takes much more balance on a snowboard then on skies. I would recommend doing the bunny hill for a couple days and then advance to the bigger hills. Either you are a snowboarder or skier there are certain rules at every snow-hill/resort you go to. Like for instance there are multiple maps throughout the hill areas and each hill is marked with a green, blue, or black shape stating how advance each hill is. There are the basic rules like throwing away your garbage or just talking nicely that everyone should follow on a daily bases either at work, school, or the hills. Not sure on the times because each resort does it differently but there are big machiens that come out to groom the hills and make them all smooth again. If they come out during the day it can take anywhere from 30 minute to an hour to do depending on how many people are that day. I would wait about a half hour after the finish just so people can go up a break the packed snow up which gives you more grip when it is not all compressed together. When you are skiing you want to go down the hill in an s formation to help you keep control of you speed, which is much more fun to enjoy the ride down then to just head straight on down to the bottom. When you have to keep the s formation going I recommend keeping your skies in the pizza form which is when the tips of your skies are close together but not touching because if they do end up touching you are garreentited to fall down. The purpose of that is to have more grip and control of your skies while heading down the hill at a safe speed. When looking for a chair lift to go up on try to avoid the terrain hills which is more for advanced skiers and snowboarders. If you do not like snowboarders because of how dangers they can become and it is also where most of the snowboarders hangout, so I would not go over there myself if I did not have my snowboard on or with me. Skiing is a much older sport but younger people still do and are creating new ways to ski and snowboard every day. I personally cannot choice which one is more fun but I already know how to do so much on my skies that I could use more work on my snowboard. Skiing and snowboarding takes a lot of leg strength and stomach muscles to keep you up right. When you fall skies are harder to get up on because you have to get one or sometimes even both boots out of the skies, and the get them back next to each other and get back into the ski. But if you fall on a snowboard depending on which way you fall on either your butt or faces. If you falls on your face then just put your boards bottom to the bottom of the hill and just push yourself up. Whats worse the that though is if you fall on your butt. Yes it hurts as little more but I knew he could do it. So, when you fall on your butt you have to lay back on your back turn yourself to your knees and then push yourself back up to your feet again. It is eaiser on a board because it is one object and not two.

The author's comments:
I wrote this article because I can relate to it from my own experiences and the season for skiing and snowboarding is coming closer and closer, so I couldn't wait for it to come.

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