Volleyball | Teen Ink


January 7, 2014
By Anonymous

I’ve always liked volleyball in middle school. But up until 7th grade, I’ve never played on an actual team, only in P.E. It was almost 2:15 on a Monday afternoon, I was ready to pack up and leave. But right as I was about to pack up, I heard my name being called. “Stephanie, you are needed in the office.” I wasn’t sure why I was being called down to the office, or why I was needed. As I got down to the office, I saw my aunt with some papers in her hand. “You wanted to play Volleyball right? I just cleared you so you can play.” I responded with a very excited, yet nervous yes! I was in shock because over the weekend we talked about if I wanted to play volleyball; I told her yes I would like to try it out. Since I wasn’t doing any sports at the time. I was very nervous because I didn’t know who all was trying out. But at the same time I was excited to play. I wasn’t sure how hard or easy it would be. I knew it would be a challenge for me. But it was a challenge that I was willing to take. As I walked in to tryouts, the coach as me tons of questions like “What is your name, is this your first time playing, and How do you spell your last name?” As I spoke, each word sounded like a nervous wreck. I started getting more nervous. I didn’t see anyone that I talked to, but I saw one person I kind of talked to. We started with warm ups, conditioning. It wasn’t too hard, except for the fact that I was out of shape. Only because I had never played on a team before.

After warm-ups, the coaches called us over and explained to us all what we were doing. We were then to pass to a partner. I remember feeling intimidated by the other players because they had more experience or were better. This brought my confidence down. I tried to not let it get to me. I just tried to enjoy it. The entire tryouts wasn’t very successful for me because I felt like I wasn’t good enough or as good as the others and I didn’t do as well as I could of, if I would have tried harder. Later on in the tryouts, we had our first water break, I used that time to tell myself that I should enjoy my first day of Volleyball, not let anything get to me. That whole first day of tryouts was very upsetting. Lots of angers in me, but also lots of anticipation, I just wanted to be good at what I loved to do, and I wanted to be on a team.
It was the last day of tryouts, and I felt very nervous for what was about to happen. The coaches called us over. “Alright ladies, it’s time to find out teams!” Everyone was excited. They started with A team, then B team. I still wasn’t called. My confidence was slowly falling apart, like ice slowly melting when being left out of the freezer. Everyone was getting put on teams, I still hadn’t been called, I was starting to feel hopeless. Maybe this wasn’t my thing. Maybe there’s another sport that I would be better at. But also, deep down I knew this was the sport for me. It was just too early to tell. Then finally the last coach started talking. “Can these girls please come with me.” A bunch of other girls names were called including mine. We were all taken to a different room. “So, sadly you all did not make a team, but you all did very well, I encourage you all to tryout next year. I’m sorry none of you made a team, but just keep working hard and don’t give up.” Then she let us go. I felt a huge burst of tears ready to fall down my face. But I didn’t let that happen. I’m not the type of person who cries in front of people. I waited till I got home and let it all out. I was so upset at myself. I felt like it was too good to be true. Even though I knew it wasn’t really my fault for not making a team. I just kept telling myself that there’s always next year, and if I use this anger, practice a lot now, then I will be able to come back and be even better.

I wasn’t about to let all of that discouragement, anger, disappointment stop me from trying again next year. Because when I stepped foot back in that gym that next year and worked a lot harder, I made it to a team. C team, but I was just amazed that I could finally say I was on a team. A volleyball team. All because of the family that helped encouraged me and tell me to not give up. I even had a much better coach than the year before. I wasn’t a fan of the coach from the previous year either. I felt like not making a team the previous year was for the better because It was my first year and I didn’t know what I was doing. But once I made c team, I felt more comfortable with being there. Plus, I knew most of the girls on my team. I was friends with some of them too. As that season went on I got a little better. Making more of my serves, passing better and being somewhat more confident too. The days went on and the season came to an end. I was sad that It ended. I knew I wasn’t going to stop playing and give up. High School Volleyball seemed to scary for me at the moment.

It was my first day of my Freshman year, I walked in. My stomach was in knots, very scared. I had watched tons of movies about high school. Expecting it to be like the way it seemed in the movies. I expected tryouts to be very difficult and scary. But once we all got started the coach had a chat with us.” Welcome to the 2012 Volleyball Season. I am the head coach, I coach Varsity. The other two coaches are the JV and C team coaches. We are very excited to coach all of you. We expect no complaining, whining, bullying or anything else like that.” She continued to explain team expectations and how many days’ tryouts will be and practices. I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to play high school volleyball. But I was there and already signed up to play, so I just stuck with it. Tryouts flew by like crazy and the third time was already here. We had a few more things we had to do and then by the end we had teams. Again I made C team, but I was very proud of myself for not getting cut the first year of my freshman year. Because of the previous year and making a team, I was encouraged and wanted to keep playing and I didn’t give up. Since I didn’t give up I improved and made c team my freshman year. I encourage anyone who is unsure of trying a new sport, but isn’t sure, just trying it. Even though you may think you might not be that good. Just try. You’re not going to be a pro the first day. It takes time and lots of practice. Practice makes perfect. I’ve always loved volleyball, but in middle school never played and I tried out and didn’t make it the first time. Tried out that next year, on a team. Don’t give up!

The author's comments:
I wrote this to explain an achievement in my life that I am proud of.

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