NCAA Athlete Struggles | Teen Ink

NCAA Athlete Struggles

February 26, 2014
By Carlton SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Carlton SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Imagine a job where you come and work hard every day and sacrifice your time but never get paid.This is what all college athletes are having to go through each day. There is no question that NCAA should pay their athletes. There are also three more reasons why players should receive some sort of income.

First of all players bring in all of the school’s money. Aj McCarron, the quarterback for Alabama, believes he should absolutely get paid for earning an abundance of money for his college. In 2009 when Alabama won the national championship, their revenue was $62 million. In 2011 it jumped to $78 million and the next year after they beat Notre Dame the school brought in a whopping $92 million. “That’s absurd money!” said McCarron during an interview with Fox Sports. With all of the money that schools selling jerseys, t-shirts, banners and now televised games athletes should get a fraction of that money. I really think that the extra cash could help all students out a lot.

Even Jay Bilas, a NCAA analyst, feels that scholarships aren’t enough to pay for tuition, food, books, and other necessities. Athletes aren’t even able to get jobs to compensate for the lack of money because practices and games take up almost all of their time. It’s nearly impossible for students to work outside of school and sports.

The best part about paying these athletes is that it would stop interested parties such as i.e. recruiters offering athletes “special privileges” for favors as to how they want the games to turn out. Players wouldn’t have to bet on games or have illegal agents just to make extra money. The only way to stop players from making illegal actions to earn money is to pay them.

According to Tyson Hartnett, an entrepreneur, writer, and professional basketball player, nothing harmful can come from NCAA paying their athletes. “This can only be a good thing” said Hartnett when asked about this idea. He also believes that scholarships aren’t enough to cover all of the necessities that these students need.

Jobs pay their workers for a reason, which is the same reasons student athletes should be paid. If they show up every day and work hard and are responsible for earning your organization a lot of cash they deserve some of it. All I’m saying is, give the money-makers some of the money.

The author's comments:
This essay is about how NCAA should pay their student athletes.

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