bodybuilding | Teen Ink


March 16, 2014
By tristen cowder BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
tristen cowder BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sweat drips down my spine and my flushed face. A rogue salty tear lands on top of my eye, but i don't feel the stinging pain of the salt. muscles are burning and screaming for help, telling me to stop. but my mind tells me to show no mercy to the weak. its a constant war between my mind and my muscles. my muscles are tearing with every squat, bench, curl. to the point where they can't go any longer. thats the point when you realize that you have won the war. this is what i do almost every day, because i'm a bodybuilder.

ive only been lifting for one year and i have totally fallen in love with bodybuilding. so far i have gained twenty five pounds of solid muscle and dropped my body fat percentage. with bodybuilding you have to eat much more healthy. most bodybuilders, including myself, only eat lean meats, eggs, fish, rice, sweet potato, fruits, and veggies. the only time where i eat unhealthy food is on special occasions and on the weekends.

i love eating healthy, i've found that it has made me into a better person both physically and mentally. i very much enjoy the taste of healthy foods, unlike most people where they would prefer a donut over a fruit smoothie. i think the last time i've even eaten a donut was over four months ago. sure i do occasionally eat a little junk during the week, but since i'm only eating a small amount i believe its ok.

but now in the point and time deep concern burrows deep inside my mind. because today we live in a world surrounded by tasty, tummy desiring food that is extremely horrible for your body and your mind. and with those foods they will eventually lead to a life of disease and obesity. and they we just walk, talk, sleep through it as though its a normal thing. is it natural and normal to eat fat filled foods? No, thats why i believe bodybuilding has changed my life forever, its not a sport, but a lifestyle. i've chosen to become a bodybuilder because i didn't want to be a inactive, bedridden overweight person. instead i chose to take the road that would lead me the the road of happiness.

so thats why i became a bodybuilder. ive only been working my butt off for the last year, but i've have seen some amazing results. i can already tell that i'm leaner stronger, faster, and better looking. but theres also another thing that has changed through my road of a better life, i feel much more happier and less depressed than i used to be one year ago. it is a proven fact that sports and physical exercise can improve your body but also your state of mind. making you a much happy and outgoing person that everyone loves.

i love being a bodybuilder. but a lot of people think that they are unhealthy by taking steroids. and thats true, to a certain degree. i would say that about 70% of bodybuilders and powerlifters take steroids. and that gives us natural guys a bad rap. but, i believe, other than taking human growth hormones, that bodybuilding is one of the best, and healthiest way to live a better life.

theres no better feeling than blood engorging itself into the muscle and getting the pump. theres no greater feeling and knowing that you accomplished something that's extremely difficult. theres no better feeling than knowing that i'm living the best and healthiest i can be. and theres no better feeling than having big muscles and getting all the girls with your big ole arms.

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