Teamwork | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Teamwork can be defined as the work done by people who work together as a team to do something according to Merriam Webster dictionary. A characteristic that could change the world if more people acquired it, it can provide more efficiency between a group of people. If ignored, there will be more unsolved conflicts in the world. This is why you should play a team sport. Not only is it fun and social, but becomes beneficial when working on group projects for job-like situations.

A team sport pushes people to their limits, due to teammate motivation. Motivation from a team can help get the most out of someone. It can produce a leader not only on the field but off as well. It can really help with getting along with members of a group project. It teaches the players that you win some, you lose some, and how to overcome obstacles. Sport have a direct correlation with school, the test days for school are the same day as game days, and practice during the week is the same as studying for a big test.

Team sports relate to real-life experiences as well. Jobs that use teamwork could be construction, in order to get the job done fast and efficiently. Teamwork is used on a daily basis in order to solve conflicts, really transforms a person giving them better social skills. Usually if you're that person on the team that hogs the ball and creates negative energy towards the team, that person will be disliked by the other members of the team.

If the requirement is not met, bad things will happen. Without teamwork, more people will become individual leading to one-minded conflicts. The brainstorming doesn’t have all aspects of what a team would have. Lack of motivation for people to work to their greatest ability will also occur. Would you like it if no one cared about you? Work would be done slower because there is no teamwork involved, leading to less efficiency.

The aspect of teamwork is highly underrated, and to get that characteristic in everyone you must require one thing, a team sport. Seeing the world with friendly people that work together would be outstanding. Give me team sport or give me selfish people!

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