Video Games | Teen Ink

Video Games

February 17, 2016
poseidonneptunegodgreekroman BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Personally, I think videogames are supportive in life, but others such as adults, think otherwise. some games can teach you on how to survive in certain situation, and other games can just entertain you while bored.


I say that it can teach you on how to survive because in the movie Ride Along, Chris Rock picked a thrown grenade and threw it back. Later he said that in his game you have five seconds to throw it back before it explodes. In minecraft, in adventure mode, you have to have certain tools to do certain things. It also teaches you how to find and build a shelter,  and how to kill and cook animals for food.

The bad part about video games, that adults (parents in general) say that you shouldn’t play them would be because they can damage your brain, make you forget what you learned in the past several days, and causes anger issues (I say this through experience).

From experience, video games can and will make you forget. I learned lots of things in elementary school, yet when i tried to help my little brother with his homework the other day, I couldn’t do it, that surprised me. As for the anger, some games such as shooting games game make you mad just because you can’t pass the lever or mission, dying as well. They require strategy and tactics. Take clash of clans for example, when you raid someone or get attacked and lose the defensive attack because your base sucked, or you didn’t plan out the attack before you did attack, you would get mad.

Really games are fun and entertaining, but don’t play them 24/7, take a break or only play like two hours a day. By the way i was at my friend’s house during the three day weekend, and played against the level hardened bots. Let me say this now, I haven’t played that game in a long time, I got so mad because they kept on killing me!!! Anyway you can play games, just don’t play them all day.

“I like video games, but they're really violent. I'd like to play a videogame where you help the people who were shot in all the other games. It'd be called 'Really Busy Hospital.”

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