Trophies for the Workers | Teen Ink

Trophies for the Workers

February 25, 2016
By Spykiddo BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
Spykiddo BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a different world: Everyone gets raises randomly, regardless whether or not they are doing work. Students always get A's, even if they do poorly on a test. Thus, economies collapse. Knowledge screeches to a halt. Is this a world you want to live in? Personally, I would like to live in a world where the hard workers get the raises and students who study and care about their grades get A's. Would you like to live in a world where all kids get rewarded under any circumstance? Well, as you know, people have different ideas about when kids should receive trophies. It may sound harsh, but trophies should not be given to everyone because, in life, most people are not rewarded just for doing simply what is required, trophies can lose their meaning, and there are other ways for coaches to show appreciation.

Unfortunately, you don't get rewarded just for showing up somewhere. That is, unless you play sports. All this does is keep you from actually trying, and you expect to get rewarded for everything. Later in life, they will expect to get raises for showing up, or A's if they "do their best". This attitude is hard to shake off. Hence, trophies should not be given out just for showing up.

Also, it is possible for the meaning of a trophy to "wear off ". Later in life, if they get a trophy because they reached a big achievement, the person may not care. To them, it is only another trophy, just like the rest of them. Is this an imprint we want to make on our future generation? For this reason, we should not give out trophies at the rate we are now.

Finally, there are other ways for coaches to show appreciation. Please keep in mind that showing affection for a player is a very good concept. A thumbs-up or pat on the back can make all the difference. However, a trophy is a show of achievement, not appreciation. Therefore, do not give a player as a show of affection instead of achievement.

Some who disagree with me say that, if the kid receives a trophy, it will keep him playing the sport. I totally agree with the message. The coach should do something that conveys the message "we love that you are on our team, and we want you to stay." However, a trophy is not the way to go. You don't get rewarded for simply showing up in the real world, this will make trophies lose their meaning, and there are other ways to show this message. So to any coaches out there, remember, while you should let your players know that you care for them, giving out trophies is not the way to do it.

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