College Athletes | Teen Ink

College Athletes

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

College Athletes should be paid
Six National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) rules restrict the ability of college athletes to earn outside income. So how are college athletes supposed to pay for food, gas, appartment rent(if not staying on campus) etc. I believe college athletes should be paid. Besides their athletic career what about studying and getting a degree? College athletes spend an average of 43.3 hours per week either at practice, workouts and with the team.  Statistics say less than 2 percent of college athletes turn professional, 98 percent of student-athletes will have to use their degree, despite not learning material to the same extent of their non-athlete colleagues did.
Another reason by athletes getting paid it would motivate them to work harder to become a better team than they were before.  Not every sport would get the same amount of money because different sports are bringing in different amounts of money. Think about this, do you hear more about football and basketball or more about volleyball and track? You probably hear more about football and basketball because more people go to their games. Bringing in more fans is more money, so the more money you bring in the more they teams should get paid. Think about the big events in sports. March madness is one of the most popular events for college basketball. 
But doesn't mean everyone on that team will get the same amount of money. I believe the starters should get paid more money than the non starters. The starters would get paid more money because they deserve a reward for working hard to get to where he or she is. No athletes got to where they are by themselves. But in order for them to help them they had to be willing to work hard.
College athletes should get paid for all the work they have put in to and bringing all the fans in to watch the game. Statistics said less than 2 percent of college athletes turn professional, 98 percent of student-athletes will have to use their degree, despite not learning material to the same extent of their non-athlete colleagues did. Then if the athlete didn’t go professional they will at least have extra money until they find an outside job because now they would be graduate.

The author's comments:

I believe college athletes should be paid 

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