Breaking the Barrier | Teen Ink

Breaking the Barrier

March 9, 2016
By Spratte BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
Spratte BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you were on a sports team and nobody wanted you there. Imagine that even your own teammates signed a piece of paper stating they hated you and did not want you to play on their team or to play at all. That is what happened to Jackie Robinson most of his career. That did not stop Jackie from doing what he loved.

Jackie Robinson changed sports history.. He opened a gateway for African-Americans to play professional sports. He inspired other African-Americans to fulfill their dreams in pro sports.

Robinson was the first African American to play in the Major Leagues, and he had to overcome racism through much of his career. Jackie’s first two years in the league he received death threats and hate mail. Most of the death threats he received were from a group called “The Travelers” (Jackie Robinson Documentary).

Some people say it doesn’t matter if he got hate mail at least he gets to play baseball, the sport he loves playing and has fun while doing it; however, no one should have to endure racism just to do what they are good at doing
But some of the Brooklyn Dodgers players signed a petition to not have Jackie on their team. Just like the poem I,Too states “ They send me to the kitchen when company comes” ( Hughes).


Just like how Jackie had to play in the Negro League before the majors. Jackie was not content to “eat in the kitchen.” He joined the Major Leagues and ended the segregation of baseball.

Jackie had a huge impact on sports history. Not only was he the first African-American baseball player he was also the first African-American to win the National League Rookie of the Year Award. Plus he was the first African-American to win Most Valuble Player (Schwartz).

Some people thought that he did not deserve the awards because he was not white. They also thought he was not good enough because he was not a white man. But Jackie Robinson proved them wrong.

Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play in the Major Leagues (Jackie Robinson).  In 1962 he got inducted into the Hall of Fame. Robinson retired with a .311 career batting average. His number got retired by all MLB teams on the 50th anniversary of his debut. (Schwartz,Larry)

Now that we went over how Jackie changed sports history do you understand the struggle he had? Did he inspire you to fulfill your dreams? Jackie Robinson was a great baseballer, and it does not matter the color of his skin. Some people do not understand that and the impact he made on many lives. I believe Jackie was a amazing ball player and deserved to play in the big leagues. Then again this is how Jackie impacted history.


Works Cited
Hughes, Langston. "I, Too." Selected Poems. New York: Vintage Classics, 1959. Print.
"Jackie Robinson." A&E Television Networks. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
"Jackie Robinson Documentary." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
Schwartz,Larry. “Jackie Changed Face of Sports” ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures. Web. 1
Feb. 2016.

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