Advantage of Joining Volleyball/Badminton Team | Teen Ink

Advantage of Joining Volleyball/Badminton Team

March 22, 2016
By Tatsuya BRONZE, HCMC, Hawaii
Tatsuya BRONZE, HCMC, Hawaii
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Middle school  is a really fantastic place to start playing sports. I highly recommend students to join volleyball and badminton as a third sport. Unlike sports teams in other schools, our school does not kick out students who are novices. The school categorizes students into A, B, and C teams according to their skills. However, other schools just kick out the students in the team with lack of performance in the try outs and only encourages those students who excel. In my experience when I joined the swim team for the first time, I thought I was the worst swimmer. When I worked hard, I really got better and I even got 5th place in our grade. Our school really tries to build patience and endurance in their students. So I believe it is a really good opportunity to start playing volleyball/badminton. There are several good reasons for joining all of the sports team. However, season 3 sports is starting so this time I will explain about  volleyball and badminton.

Here are the several good points of playing volleyball. Playing volleyball develops students into a team player because the sport requires them to work as a team to score points and restrain the other team. You can also connect with other students and make a lot of friends which improves interpersonal skills. The second point is that the sport promotes a unique physical fitness which includes agility, endurance, and aerobic ability. In addition, the volleyball team has a superb coaching staff because they are former players themselves.

For playing badminton, here are the several good points. In our school, we have really big gyms so when we practice we get a lot of indoor courts to use unlike other schools. Other schools only have small gyms so the students do not get to practice as much compared to our school. But here we get to practice a lot. So when they practice outside the wind will affect their training. Our school ensures that its gymnasiums are conducive for training.

On the other side, if you join other schools’ sports club and you are chosen to stay in the A team you will get to practice really hard because there are equally talented students in the team so the coach do not have to waste time for novices. So compared to our school, some others schools wins the sports game a lot. There is some truth to this argument, however, winning is not the only important thing in sports. The most important thing in playing sports is feeling that you continuously improve and having a strong support group. In school, we recruit all students so there will be a mixture of novices and experienced athletes and everyone is encouraging each other to train harder.

In conclusion, our school is the best place to start playing new sports for the reasons such as: giving equal chances to novices and a lot of great places to practice. Also if you are talented at sports and even you are novices and when you practice a lot you will be really good at it. If you join a sports team you will be really good because they let everyone equally join the sports team. However if you join other schools sports team you will not get to be good at it because they just judge the people in the first tryout. Which means they are throwing away students possibility to be good at sports. So, I recommend everyone to join volleyball/ badminton teams.

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