Why Dance Is a Sport | Teen Ink

Why Dance Is a Sport

April 22, 2016
By Anonymous

Many of my friends do sports and when they ask me if I do any sports I say I do dance because dance is just like any other sport I have done. Many people have different opinions on this topic ,but I think dance has more characteristics of a sport than a art.

First off you have to practice for hours each week to become good at it. In the article "Is Dance a Sport and should Dancers be Considered Athletes", it says "Dancers train a minimum of three to four hours a week, for professional dancers this can be a minimum of four hours a day." (hubpages). Dancers need to practice hours to perfect their performance just like other athletes who practice to become better.

Another reason why I think dance is more of a sport is because you have to have athletic ability to do it. In the article "Is Dance a Sport or an Art?" Jenna Garecht says, "You have to be flexible, strong, have stamina, have endurance..."(huffingtonpost. If you don't have the athletic ability to do a sport you might not be good which is the same for dance as well because you have to do tricks and jumps in dance and if you don’t have the athletic ability to do so you might not be able to do dance.

Finally dance can be with a group or solo. In the article “10 Reasons Why Dance Should be Considered A Sport”, it talks about how a dance team or group needs everyone in the group to do their best so the whole team can succeed and perform well (hubpages). Everyone in a group or as partners in a sport need the other players or dancers to do their best in any sport.

Some might say that dance is more of an art than a sport. In dance though many studios and school dance teams compete against other studios and schools just like any other sport. In the article “What Is Competitive Dancing”, a dance expert says “ In recent years, this style of dance has come to be viewed as a sport demanding high levels of strength, stamina, and flexibility.”. Competitive dance is more like a sport because it focuses on technique and the ability to dance instead of telling a story.

When I tell my friends I do dance as a sport sometimes they also agree that it is kind of a sport and sometimes they don’t. I think dance is more like a sport because it can be competitive, it takes athletic ability, and dancers practice a lot to perfect their dance.

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