Teen Ink



Baseball MAG
By Sunflowergirl GOLD
Mansfield, Texas
Sunflowergirl GOLD, Mansfield, Texas
18 articles 49 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
“This week I've been reading a lot
and doing little work. That's the way
things ought to be. That's surely the
road to success.” -Anne Frank

By exuseetim GOLD
Boca Raton, Florida
exuseetim GOLD, Boca Raton, Florida
11 articles 4 photos 0 comments
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Sunflowergirl GOLD, Mansfield, Texas
18 articles 49 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
“This week I've been reading a lot
and doing little work. That's the way
things ought to be. That's surely the
road to success.” -Anne Frank

13bookworm4596 SILVER, Mantua, Ohio
7 articles 7 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay gold, Ponyboy." -Johnny Cade (S.E. Hinton)
"One moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory." - Louis Zamperini

By CameronCunningham
Salem, Connecticut
CameronCunningham, Salem, Connecticut
0 articles 15 photos 0 comments
By Jackie_Huang PLATINUM
Scarsdale, New York
Jackie_Huang PLATINUM, Scarsdale, New York
20 articles 37 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason

By Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM
Gampaha, Other
Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
21 articles 79 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If this year has taught me anything, it's that grief can destroy a person.”

By AlexLin711 DIAMOND
Bristol, Connecticut
AlexLin711 DIAMOND, Bristol, Connecticut
58 articles 31 photos 0 comments
guyajing2006, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 8 photos 0 comments
Abigail-Sterner PLATINUM, Mclean, Virginia
31 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

By PhoenixJasper
New Port Richey, Florida
PhoenixJasper, New Port Richey, Florida
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. ~ Jude 1:24-25