Four seasons | Teen Ink

Four seasons

October 24, 2018
By shay2341 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
shay2341 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring is rainy days,

with cloudy, grey skies.

Spring has puddles to jump in,

with mud-filled bottoms.

Spring is beautiful, cool days,

with breezy days.

Spring has new flowers,

with a sweet smell and bees buzzing in the air.

Summer is burning, sunny days,

with cannonballs into the pool.

Summer has lake-filled days,

with sleepover-filled nights.

Summer is tanning,

under a hot sun.

Summer has bright green grass,

with a fresh-cut smell.

Fall is crisp,

with 40 degree and 70 degree days.

Fall has pumpkin carving and apple picking,

with cider awaiting.

Fall is trees changing color,

with leaves tumbling to the ground.

Fall has colorful piles of leaves,

crunching after jumping into them.

Winter is short frigid days,

with the sun down by dinner time.

Winter has glistening snow,

with a bitter, cold bite.

Winter is kids building snowmen and throwing snowballs,

with snow piles at the end of the driveway.

Winter has heated houses standing in the snow,

with Mom calling us in for hot cocoa.

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