Wild feelings | Teen Ink

Wild feelings

October 24, 2018
By Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting on the park bench, I glance around, noticing

the river flowing—like milk through a sifter. The feeling

of happiness is like sitting in my stand waiting for that

big buck. Dragonflies glide through the wind like a

knife slicing through a warm banana.

Walking with swift pride, I stop near the crick. I notice

fish swimming with sounds of a silent night. The craw

fish run with fear as I reach to pick one up. I notice

a turtle in the grass with a shell hard like a rock.  I take

my hand out notting the water is cold as ice.

Now getting close to the path in the woods. Noticing the

Leaves turning colors, like the sun on sailors delight night.

The wood planks creek like old house during the cold quiet

night. From old creaky wood to nice asphalt feels Like glowing

happiness and victory getting to the other park.

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