Ode to Jack Black | Teen Ink

Ode to Jack Black

November 13, 2018
By meganvidovich SILVER, San Pedro, California
meganvidovich SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, Jack Black.

Thomas Jacob.




You are the dragon warrior.

Covered in squishy noodles,

Your voice makes us laugh.

You bring smiles to the faces

of adults and children alike.

You make the best movie nights

even if the popcorn is burned

to the color of your name.

You do not get me to school on time,

but that’s okay.

You are the best substitute teacher.

You let me in the band-

You let us all in the band.

You redid Jumanji

I heard that slammed.

You are the greatest Sax-A-Boom player

To ever live.

Your melodies are powerful

Like ocean waves

Pullling us in.

My mom and I cracked up

Watching your performance.

“Get that corn out of my face!”

You got that corn out of your face-

my sister and I admire you for it.

You made the most iconic inside joke.

The saying of the summer

over international seas.

You are a legend,

a comedic genius.

You taught us

Kung Fu,

Bass Guitar,


how to



You are much more spirited

than your name implies.

Jack Black,

the rainbow of the pouring skies.

The author's comments:

Here is a piece of appreciation for the man, the myth, the legend: Jack Black.

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