Act of a Thousand Faces | Teen Ink

Act of a Thousand Faces

April 18, 2009
By LysaM. SILVER, Durham, North Carolina
LysaM. SILVER, Durham, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is about the simple things
Yet we hide behind our curtain
Awaiting the show
Waiting to put on another person’s face
To see through their eyes if only for a night

The people they once knew
No longer do they speak
Like a painting on a wall
it hangs in silence just looks

Back to my play Of foreign faces
They hide behind masks and
Dance in deep shadows
Playing their roles so slightly

Pretending to be who they aren't
Spending their days as a shadow
Clinging to the heels
So desperately trying to become who they follow

Actors and Actresses we are
playing the roles of a thousand faces
Never finding who we are till the end
The end of surprise and wonder

A game we play till the pieces run out
Till the time fades away
Oh this game we play
Never ending and no one wins

Turn the cameras back to the stage
Where you wear different clothes
Be someone else
Back to the beginning

Fairytales and happy endings
All stories made to keep us happy
An Illusion of what we want more desperately than any
Perfection, Redemption, Contention

A world of characters and creatures
The good against the evil
A world in which we want to be
No mistakes and true love no complications

The curtain falls and your confused
The character was all that you knew
But know your left to ponder
Who am I after this

Left for you to wonder why and
Find out how you feel inside
The person beneath that shallow interior
Is just the same inside you

What have you to prove
If you don’t exist
The mask you wear is gone and
You are left the core of the performance

Left on the side of the road to think
Of better things you wish to seek
Before your strong and now your weak
An unfortunate chance of circumstance

The stage your wall
Without it you will Fall
Down to the earth you crawl
into that same small ball

When that stage has left you and
All you wish is more
The character that binds you
Will Live inside once more

Once the light hits the stage and
The curtain goes up
I watch you and
call your bluff

The mask in which you hide from the world
Will no longer shield you here
A chance to be who really are truly
Just who is that exactly?

The author's comments:
This poem was written after a close friend of mine tried drugs to be cool, because he wasn't satisfied with himself.

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