Song | Teen Ink


April 19, 2009
By Rebecca Dougherty BRONZE, Weston, Florida
Rebecca Dougherty BRONZE, Weston, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, I hope you hear the heart’s cry
For every faltering beat, it sings for you.
Each day, as it idly passes by
Glimpses of you are hidden beyond view.
How I wish, if only you knew,
Those beats run out, it isn’t a lie
Oh, how I hope you hear the heart’s cry,
For every faltering beat, it sings for you.

If it were to reach you before it may die
Although its reveal may be long overdue,
With every rhythm it will always be true.
Even now, if this is goodbye
Those steady beats will never cease to fly,
For every faltering beat, it sings for you.

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