Good Friends | Teen Ink

Good Friends

November 27, 2018
By Margeaux.m BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Margeaux.m BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I do not know what I would do with my thoughts

They listen and hear my strange confusing knots

They say my stories make them laugh

And that is all I care about happening on my behalf

They only want the best for me

So I try to make them very happy

With all that I do and say

It is like they were made out of clay

They are made out of pure joy

If I needed to laugh or cry they are there as a toy

My main job is to make them smile

Because they have made me do so for a while

So in thanks to my friends that do so much

I hope they know I love them more than a touch

And I hope they know they have made an impression

On more than just me because they are a blessin’

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