Centrallian Winter | Teen Ink

Centrallian Winter

December 4, 2018
By Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nous vous prions respecter ces consigns pour le bonne fonctionment de cet apparail. (Translation: We pray that you respect these here instructions, for the good functionality of this appliance.)

The Centrallian Winter is one phase of time,
In this urban compost bin of concrete and grime...

Hard rain has been falling and clouds block the sun,
School is a burden, there's just no more fun...

With inclement weather comes difficult times,
When the evening bus deviates from its line...

I frequently find myself far out from home,
With nowhere to go, and no cellular phone...

An enjoyable life is far out o' my league,
Unless my new hobby's to go out and freeze...

My crush is too busy with family drama,
My history essay was missing a comma...

As soon as I climb a proverbial hill,
Another one rises, too steep for my skills...

But if I don't get at least one decent grade,
Then I might lose my place in the Christmas parade...

It's my only true interest,
A goal for to strive,
It's simple existence will keep alive...

To live with the fact that there is a bright future,
Even in the midst of Centrallian winter!

The author's comments:

Author's Note: Centrallia is a fictional city that appears in several of my literary works. Any degree of resemblance to an actual town's name, climate, or location is purely coincidental.

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