Some Them Play... | Teen Ink

Some Them Play...

December 4, 2018
By Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nous vous prions respecter ces consigns pour le bonne fonctionment de cet apparail. (Translation: We pray that you respect these here instructions, for the good functionality of this appliance.)

Some them play the piano,
Some them play the horn,

Some them play in hospitals while baby's being born.

Some them play the sousaphone,
Some them play sitar,

Some them play all day an' night while sitting in a bar!

Some them play the violin,
Some them play the drum,

Some them play in concert at the LA Colosseum!

Some them play the saxophone,
Some them play trombone,

Some them waste a lot o' time just playing on their phone!

Some them play the mandolin,
Some them play banjo,

Some them have got their own show, on the radio!

Some them play harmonium,
Some them play the uke',

Some spend all their hard-earned cash, as if they were the duke!

Some them play the harpsichord,
Some them play guitar,

Some them play a video game,
While driving in a car!

Some them go an' play all day,
And now the day is done,

But those who do not play at all are boring, dull, and dumb!


We must live a balanced life with equal work and play,

To have fun and enjoy ourselves and still bring home some pay!

The author's comments:

Musicians, don't despair if the instrument you play isn't mentioned in this poem. I tried to include as many as possible, but some of their names simply didn't fit into the poetic structure of this piece. Thanks for reading!

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