Along Among the Willows | Teen Ink

Along Among the Willows

January 7, 2019
By Westman1000 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Westman1000 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls.

Alone among the willows would I sing

If everything were silent but the air,

With maple, beech, and aspen all in spring.

Before my feet, a lake of life does cling

And ponderously sigh as if aware.

Alone among the willows would I sing.

Forgetting all of hope and fear, running

To chase and find that wonderful nowhere

With maple, beech, and aspen all in spring.

The willows shimmer, just as from Peking,

Caressing, stroking water’s playful glare.

Alone among the willows would I sing.

But when I wake, shall I be no such king

For I can live here only, never there

With maple, beech, and aspen all in spring.

A man I am, no fantasies I bring;

I breathe this heavy smog, not vapors fair.

Alone among the willows would I sing

With maple, beech, and aspen all in spring.

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