And So The Legend Ends | Teen Ink

And So The Legend Ends

February 21, 2019
By tr-poetry BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
tr-poetry BRONZE, Stratham, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone knows the story of Bonnie and Clyde,

Of the crimes they committed before that fateful morning ride,

She met a dashing young man one day,

Before she realized it, he had stolen her heart away

The most poisonous bugs have the brightest,  most colorful eyes

Yet, he shared with her no lies.

Soon the police came poking around,

Now what could she do? They were bound.

When they took him away, screaming her name,

She felt she was the only one to blame,

A jailbreak, a murder, a robbery, and now running,

They were misfits, murderers, thieves, outlaws, so cunning.

State to state they robbed and murdered, time after time,

But Bonnie continued to stand by her man,

The outlaw lover and his waitress named Parker.

Beside each other they are buried beneath beneath a stone marker

In his eyes he had the best kaleidoscope of greens and blues she had ever seen

They had become nothing more than a well oiled mean machine

Together they lived and together they died,

So ends the story of Bonnie and Clyde

The author's comments:

I was having a discussion on epic stories with a group of my friends one day. I brought up that I thought the story of Bonnie and Clyde were one of the most intriguing love stories we known; and so I wrote a poem about them.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 25 2019 at 8:22 pm
maddyccooper SILVER, Brentwood, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is so great!!!