Smile on my Face | Teen Ink

Smile on my Face

February 28, 2019
By BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another year has passed

My first year without you

I remember that night

When I finally knew


The relationship was over.

You finally gave up

I stood watching the time go by

Watching the ball drop


You left me alone

To find someone else

Is there something wrong?

Did I do this to myself?


I thought you were my friend

Clearly, we were not

You threw me away

And left me to rot


The clock struck twelve

I cried myself to sleep

I wanted to be held

But you were nowhere to be found


I sucked it up

Tried to not look out of place

But really, I was dying inside

Even with a smile on my face

The author's comments:

This is a poem about a one-sided friendship.

Many references are to New Years Eve Party. 

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