The Lust | Teen Ink

The Lust

April 11, 2019
By Anonymous

The lust of my heart

Belonged once to you

Wanting you to see me

But, instead you went blind

You had an innocent heart

You broke it, with your heart

I needed you to love me

Instead you hated me 

The author's comments:

I am a 14 year old girl who lives in the Poconos of Pennsylivana. Ever since, I was little I can remember writing. I loved English class since I was little. I always wrote stories, about other people being happy, sad,or angry. I never personally put my feelings into them. But, as soon as I turned 9 that all changed. 9 is when my mom got diagonsed with her first diagonsis, so I wrote her poems or stories about my love for her.  When, I was 11 years old she got diagonsed with liver and stomache cancer, my heart shattered. I was afraid of loosing her so I wrote more and more but differnet things. I wrote about feelings that I hate God for giving her this horrible dkiagonis. Then, of course my grandfather died of cancer, so he was my best friend. At his funeral, I wrote and read a poem for him. Finding out from people I wasn't too bad at poetry so I got more into it. Techinally, that is how I got into writing poems.

So, this next subject is what this peice is about. This peice, is about my ex boyfriend who I consder my "first love".  His name is Sam. Him and I are very on and off mainly because of him. He did hurt me in ways that aren't right, like he cheated. That was our last time, I think. Sam, just really did break me in so many ways, so I decided to write. 

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