Couple hours too late | Teen Ink

Couple hours too late

May 7, 2009
By Wynne K. Toma BRONZE, San Jose, California
Wynne K. Toma BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I onlt have a couple hours to tell you the whole truth
All my feelings are numbing up
now its only soon before im gone
i've waisted all my precious time
my worl is becoming less and less
so my body is weakening
the clock is ticking and your crying
i'm evaporating in the air
my last breaths are almost gone
too bad you didn't take me serious
I was going to make a change
I was going to be the hero
now the priest is making a his speech
all I wanted was to be heard
but you insisted on playing games
who are you to tell me my life is over?
i try to beat the pain bursting from the prison of my soul.
now the world is burning and tearing apart.
walk with me into the night.
it's over and we are through.
everybody in the world continues on but the truth is unknown and the lies are still haunting.
good-bye all of the innocent.
its over!

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the song called 24 by Jewel and i just love to write poetry. Poetry is life and it lets my voice be heard by people and writing makes me feel strong... poetry is not just writing but it is also a story of life and compassion without poetry we wouldn't be able to learn and to express ourselves.


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 26 2009 at 11:30 pm
bamboom212 PLATINUM, Chestnut Ridge, New York
23 articles 0 photos 155 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The truth with a bad intent, is worse than any lie you can ever invent.&quot;<br /> &quot;You are smarter than you think. You are stronger than you look. You are braver than you feel.&quot;

wow. very descriptive & passionate. this is awesome