Northwest, Confess | Teen Ink

Northwest, Confess

May 8, 2009
By India Powell BRONZE, Newport, Oregon
India Powell BRONZE, Newport, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m missing the west, and I have yet to leave.
The falling sky piling molecules in my raincoat.
Ask me why and I could never tell you.
I love being love struck, love stuck.

I’ll never leave.

Freedom of speech, left-handed speakers.
Coincidentally tongue-tied motivational slurrers.
Have another drink and sleep in the sand.
Wake up with the sun setting west into salty puddles.
Ocean spray sea foam dampen my clothes, and rest beneath a pine tree.

Northwest, confess, I’ll never leave.
Not for long.

I’m sorry, Big Apple.
I’ll swallow you soon, but I have a feeling you won’t go down so well.
Busy, blustery, banners cover my eyes.
City lights keep me up all hours.

I’ll never sleep, I’ll never leave.

Closer to home, I keep it clean.

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